Children's Entertainer
Children's Entertainer in Boston MA
Expect The Unexpected

One hour of entertainment that will keep kids and
adults convulsed -
with laugher.
Silly Juggling
Amazing Magic
Incredible Unicycle Tricks
On a 6-foot unicycle!
'Excellent show!... Stupendous Juggling!... Most of all, I was impressed with the caring way Davey engaged the children and adults in his audience. It was Davey's show people talked about the next day.'
- Lucy Shollley, Director of Public Relations Boston Beer Company

'Davey has, by popular demand, been invited back to our annual Children's Holiday Party three years in a row! Children and adults alike all cheer with delight for this talented and highly recomended enterntainer.'
- Alyson McCartney, Human Resources Coordinator
Analog Devices.

Thank you so very much foa a wonderful performance. You were a HUGE hit . The kids were so captivated by you and your activities.
- Erin Earley, Boston Children's Hospital
Balloon Sculpture
Wacky Antics
Audience Participation
... And a Rubber Chicken

A parade with volunteers from the audience.
Children's Entertainer in Boston MA
© 2013 by David Holtzman
In his STROLLING ENTERTAINMENT Davey mingles with your guests and amazes them with his wit, charm and skills! It's all the stuff Davey does in his show + more juggling, more magic, more accordion music, more antics, more audience participation and/or FANTASTIC BALLOON CREATIONS! The length of Davey's strolling performances can be tailored to any event. Note: Don't miss Davey's famous (rubber) CHICKEN ON A STICK TRICK!
... or Choose Davey's Strolling Entertainment
Thousands of satisfied customers
And their children.